Services – Note: Jukebox Only

Jukebox repair service & sales.
Come visit our showroom
Fun reconditioned Pinball machines
new Video games and more!

For Jukeboxes only!
Vintage Gameroom Repairs is one of the few companies left in the country that does “Out Calls.”
We no longer service pinball, arcade and slot machines machines.
I am exclusively working with existing clients at this time.
Please refer to following resources:
Paradise arcade shop (Video Games) 612 701 8300
Matt Listeryd Pinball and Jukebox Repairs 612 364 2971
For moving coin op equipment Chad Shipero set up (repairs) 612 296 8588
Eric for old E-M pinball machines 651 368 4804
John @ “Pinball plus” for new pinball machines
Victory Glass Company (Jukebox Parts) 515 987-5765
Vintage Music Co. (vintage phonograph repair & 78 RPM Records) 612- 729-8929
Steve Noult (Pla-Pachinko) games 612-729-4258
Worldwide Gaming, Inc. (slot machines) 763-253-0230
Darryl (buys, sells, repairs video machines) 612 242-4882
For X-Box type games and keyboards and other small electronics call “Gophermodes”